Promoting Reptile & Amphibian care & research since 1969
About the IHS
The I.H.S. was originally founded in 1969 by a very small group of reptile enthusiasts and caters for members both in the UK and overseas.
We are committed to the ongoing research and propagation of all reptile, amphibian and chelonian species.
Only with your interest and help (by joining the society) is this work possible. Get in touch if you are interested in joining.

Breeders Meetings / Shows
Our International Breeders Meeting / Show was set up to allow IHS members and FBH affiliated clubs and society members to sell their surplus and redundant breeding stock, this includes reptiles, amphibians and invertebrates. All IHS members, FBH affiliated clubs and society members as well as the general public can attend the shows.
Please see further details on restrictions on times and prices for non-members.
In addition we also have traders selling a complete range of dry goods, equipment, frozen / live food, supplements, plants and gifts.

Local Branches
There are a number of regional IHS branches throughout the UK which all meet on a monthly basis.
A number of our members are actively involved in Herpetology professionally and give their support to the society in numerous ways including articles for our quarterly journal ‘The Herptile’ and by giving of their very valuable time to provide lectures at local branch meetings.
Meetings are a fantastic opportunity for like-minded enthusiasts to get together, share information and learn from each other.