Doreen Brook Obituary
Update 23/05/2023 – Funeral Details
For those who may wish to attend Doreen’s funeral it will be on the 9th June at 12.40 at Nab Wood Crematorium, Bingley Rd, Shipley, BD18 4BG.
There will be a light buffet after at the Bank Field Hotel which is about 800 yrds from the crematorium.
Anyone who wishes to attend the funeral is welcome. We ask anyone wishing to attend the wake afterwards to let us know, so we have an idea of numbers.
It is with great sadness we inform our members Doreen Brook passed away peacefully at her home on 30th April 2023.
This came as a shock to everyone. Doreen had been battling illness, recovered and been given the all clear from 2 different types of cancer over the last 2 years. However unexpectedly died in her sleep, surrounded by her dogs and at home with her husband.
Doreen recently became the first female president elect of the IHS. Working incredibly hard for the society since 2008 where she was appointed the membership secretary. Been an invaluable, much loved part of the day to day workings.
Anyone attending or exhibiting at our shows will have met her. Fiercely strong woman with a huge love of animals. Her presence will be missed, even more so at the shows.
We ask at this time you respect Richard and their family’s space. If anyone would like to send on their condolences, please can you send these to info@ihs-web.org.uk, where we will pass these on.