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tell 16 01 2019

The Tell Diaries

Latest update – this picture was posted today (16th Jan 2019) of Tell by Eileen.

I face timed him just after lunch and he’s fine – very upbeat and positive.

I’m pleased to say that he WILL be in attendance AND speaking at the 50th Anniversary in September, but it is also his intention to attend all but the April Breeders Meeting this year.

He is talking about being back painting by our 50th!


Tell is out of surgery


Tell is out of surgery everything went well, he is not on a respirator, still has his speech, and had lost no movement. Now just s matter of time.

A Heartfelt THANK YOU – 29th Oct 2018

To all of our members and non – members who attended the show yesterday and donated to the collection for Tell – thank you! We raised just short of £900 which is a fantastic effort by all. The IHS will round that amount up to £1000, which is in addition to the monies we have already donated to the ‘gofundme’ online collection.

Our thanks also go to Jenny Arnold – a REAL STAR. She walked the aisles of the venue tirelessly ALL DAY rattling her bucket!

An update on Tell is that the operation which should have taken place on Friday last, was postponed due to the lack of an ICU bed. The operation is now rescheduled

for this coming Wednesday and we have everything crossed and are holding our breath!

Tell Hicks visit update – 24th Oct 2018

Yesterday (Tuesday 23rd October 2018), Mark O’Shea, Mark Plimmer and myself, went to visit Tell in hospital. It was a very positive day. Obviously on the drive down to Somerset, we discussed Tells condition, the nature of the accident and the long term implications of his current situation. We continued the drive talking of just about everything except Tell – anticipation of seeing him I guess.

After a seemingly endless trek from the hospital car park through numerous buildings and corridors we eventually arrived at Tells’ room! He was lying with the bed facing the window and seemed in a light sleep. He was very happy to see us, as we were to see him. He was very upbeat, very positive and cracking the odd joke. Telling us of some of the more amusing bits of the various things being done to him.

We talked of his future plans (which are many) and discovered, that there will be a meeting of the surgeons, this coming Friday, to discuss the possibility of surgery possibly within the next couple of weeks to discuss (as Tell put it) re-attaching his head!

To say the three of us were happy on the return journey would be an understatement! Tell has a very strong constitution and is determined to get back to painting as soon as he possibly can. Great news from a great day.

More uplifting news – 8th Oct 2018

My spirit was lifted again today! At about midday, whilst out with my dog I had a call from Eileen, Tell’s wife.

On seeing her name on my screen, I feared the worst, but my fears were very soon put aside. ‘I’m putting you on speaker phone’ – says Eileen, ‘so you can talk to Tell’. It really made my day. Tell sounded his usual self and we had a laugh. I told him to begin dictating his presentation for next years’ 50th Anniversary event.

He is obviously concerned about his condition but I feel he is taking strength from all the love and positivity which is surrounding him and his family.
I am now looking forward to seeing him, once he is moved to the Hospital in Salisbury.

Keep fighting mate!

A Glimmer of Hope at the start of a long tunnel – 7th Oct 2018

I had this just a few minutes ago from Dylan Tells son – it really lifted my spirits.

Hey Alan, here’s an update for the IHS family regarding dad. Just a quick update on Tells condition.

He is stable and succeeding in raising his arms a few inches from the bed. Although very painful he is determined to try to get some movement back in his upper body. He is still very positive and is talking about dictating a book to accompany his paintings. He is stable enough to be moved out of HDU on to a ward while he waits for a place at the spinal unit. He has special glasses which enable him to watch TV (or his feet) while lying flat. Our daughter-in-law Zoe Hicks spent hours collating all the good will messages he has received and we have been reading them to him.

Thanks once again for all your messages, hope the next post will be even more encouraging.

Tell Hicks – a SAD update – 5th Oct 2018

The family had a meeting with the surgeons last night who have decided that surgery is too risky and would almost certainly make his condition worse. It would not give him any more movement or lengthen his life expectancy! If they do nothing but palliative care, the neck will heal itself but the spinal cord will not. He can still talk and joke – but like me (Dylan) he must be crying inside at the injustice of it all. He will be moved to Salisbury next week where he will be better cared for.

On behalf of the IHS and myself, I wish Tell every good wish – miracles do happen and I know we are all praying for one right now. Our thoughts are with Eileen and his family in this terrible time.

International Herpetological Society